Poached Eggs

In , on March 26, 2017 with No Comments


Preparation Time 2 MINUTES
Cooking Time 4 MINUTES
Difficulty Easy
Servings 1


1-2 Eggs per person
1 teaspoon White Wine Vinegar
A good pinch of Sea Salt

Healthier than fried or scrambled eggs as they don’t require any fat for cooking, poached eggs are delicious on toasted granary bread (with or without avocado).  They are great on top of a caesar salad and even better as part of my less than healthy but sensational all-time favourite brunch of eggs Benedict.


  1. Assemble the eggs, white wine vinegar and salt.  Crack each egg into its own ramekin.
  2. Bring a medium sized pot of water to a gentle boil and add the salt and vinegar.
  3. Using a spoon (carefully) stir the water vigorously so that a whirlpool forms in the centre of the pot.
  4. Hold the ramekin close to the surface of the water and gently tip the egg into the centre of the whirlpool.  The circular motion of the water should wrap the egg white around the yolk and help to form a nice cylindrical egg.
  5. Take the pot off the heat and wait until the egg is cooked.  It will continue cooking in the hot water.  You need to keep an eye on it while it cooks to make sure that it doesn’t overcook.  You want a nice cooked white and a soft yolk.  It usually takes about 3-4 minutes.
  6. Using a slotted spoon, lift the egg out of the water and drain onto some folded kitchen roll.

poachedeggfinished poachedeggcutopen